Raynaud's phenomenon common. 1972, as the disease is a new disease of the connective tissue, it is an independent disease is still somewhat controversial. 雷诺氏现象常见。该病是1972年作为一种新的结缔组织病提出的,是否为一独立疾病目前还有些争议。
It is perhaps the single most effective treatment for Raynaud's disease, a condition mainly afflicting women. 也可能是治疗雷诺氏病最有效的方法;这种病主要发生在妇女身上。
Abstract patients of Raynaud's disease ( syndrom) were treated by the resection of sympathetic endings of ulnaris, radial and digital artery. There were 11 cases of Raynaud's disease and 9 cases of Raynaud's sydrome. 作者采用尺、桡和指动脉交感神经末梢切除术治疗雷诺病(征)20例,其中雷诺病11例,雷诺征9例。
Objective This paper was to study the efficacy and mechanism of intravascular He-Ne laser irradiation on blood ( ILIB) for Raynaud's disease. 目的探讨氦氖激光血管内照射(ILIB)治疗雷诺氏病的疗效及机制。
Brachial artery ectoblast exfoliate for Raynaud's disease 肱动脉外膜剥脱术治疗Raynaud病
Resection of Sympathetic Endings in Ulnoradial and Digital Arteries in the Treatment of Raynaud's Disease ( Syndrome) 尺挠和指动脉交感神经末梢切除术治疗雷诺氏病(征)
Methods Brachial artery ectoblast exfoliate in two sides were done in 18 patients with Raynaud's disease from January 1990 to January 2000. Postoperatively, follow up ranged from one year and six months to eight years and seven months in 17 cases. 方法1990年1月至2000年1月,对18例确诊为雷诺氏病的患者,采用双侧肱动脉外膜剥脱术治疗。
Results 36 patients were treated by CLS in 10 years including 10 cases of Buerger's disease, 4 of Raynaud's disease, 21 cases of arteriosclerosis obliterans, and 1 of Takayasu's disease. 其中血栓闭塞性脉管炎10例,雷诺病4例,动脉硬化性闭塞症21例,多发性大动脉炎1例。其中16例平均踝肱指数047。